As noted by the HRW report, "Three of the LRA's leaders, including Kony and Odhiambo, are sought by the International Criminal Court under arrest warrants issued in July 2005 for war crimes and crimes against humanity in northern Uganda. " A very good account of the strategy and obstacles to securing the surrender of Kony and the LRA during peace talks (c. 2007) can be found at the Enough Project. After Kony backed out, again, a US supported regional military campaign in late 2008 disrupted the LRA in the DRC but did not capture their leadership and only pushed them deeper into the DRC and CAR.
HRW is using this report to put pressure on the Obama administration to implement legislation signed by the President less than three months ago (I have to admit I had not heard about this until now). The Lord’s Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009 is supported by a large number of NGOs as well as powerful Senators Feingold (D-WI) and Brownback (R-KA). The complete text of the legislation is available here. Most pressing for President Obama is a requirement to submit a strategy to Congress within 180 days of the signing of the Act, which means before the end of November 2010.